Shoe Box Dens in Reception Class
The Reception class had great fun last week constructing shoe box dens. They thought about what could be included in the den if they were camping out. The children came up with some fantastic ideas.
When children are healthy, happy and safe, curiosity is ignited and learning is optimised. In this section, you will find out what children in school and nursery have been learning this week.
The Reception class had great fun last week constructing shoe box dens. They thought about what could be included in the den if they were camping out. The children came up with some fantastic ideas.
In Science, this term, Year 6 are investigating properties of different materials. In groups, they tested out a range of potential properties and recorded their findings.
They made sure to work scientifically by re-testing their results.
Year 1 have been busy in science over the past couple of weeks, learning all about the parts of the human body! We drew around ourselves to make life-size diagrams of the body and practiced labelling the key parts.
Year 3 pupils have been using role play to act out the Stone Age Camp from our story, Stone Age Boy. We used the verbs that we acted out in our writing!
Year 6 have had a jam-packed first week back!
Here are some pics of a maths timestable activity they did with their learning partners… you can tell, it caused lots of giggles!
Welcome back Y4! We have been using our cooperation skills in maths and science to learn about the human body.
Year 4 visited the Haycop Nature Reserve last week - they had a wonderful time.
They also visited library to hear about the summer reading challenge and choose some books.
The Reception class have been reading the story of 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We created our own lighthouse scenes and one large class lighthouse.
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our School Fete on Friday evening. What a lovely evening! It was such a lovely atmosphere and a great reminder of how fantastic our school community is.
This week, year 4 have continued making their Senet game and shell structure in DT. They have carefully followed their design plans.
They are nearly ready to make the counters and put the final nets together.
The Reception class have been busy creating beach pictures. They mixed sand with paint to experiment with different textures. The children spend time researching creatures that live in the sea and added them to their backgrounds.
Year 6's final dance workshop with Forging Ahead!
Instructor Beth did an absolutely incredible job at choreographing this masterpiece.
The dance tells the story of The Coalport Ferry disaster in 1799. The full video can be found on Facebook.